Meet Heidi from The Healthy Tree

Hi, I am Heidi creator of The Healthy Tree.
My dream is to inspire families to find balance to live
a more active and healthy life.
We are in now way perfect, but strive each day to
do better and educate our children about being healthy.
We can create roots that run deep and thrive
for a healthier family tree, which is where the name
The Healthy Tree came from.
I struggle like many Mom's with my hands full trying
to juggle it all and find my balance.
This blog is my journey for balance.
Balancing the stress of life.
Being an example.
Finding time to create a delicious but healthy meal.
Staying fit.
I believe with the proper
preparation and tools we can
create our own version of success.
Meet The Healthy Tree Family.
I have been married for ten years
and have four little monkeys, I mean, blessings.
Four boys.
I thoroughly enjoy seeing people's face when I tell
 them I have four boys.
I had multiple miscarriages before my first son was born.
Peyton, is 8.
He loves science and how the world works. He keeps me on
my toes trying to keep snakes and bugs OUT of my house, but at least I know I have
someone to take care of them for me. He is good at watching out for his little brothers but also, keeps me on my toes as he looks for independence!

Owen, is 6.
Meet my comedian. He makes discipline tough when his comments break your
straight face. He loves playing sports and will spend hours practicing and perfecting.

Rylan, is 4.
This kid. He is so ready to grow up but I am the opposite. He is passionate,
sometimes too passionate. His greatest strength and his greatest challenge. I can always count
on this kid to tell me beautiful.

Kaden, is 2.
 Last child equals center of attention. I was hoping my last would be the easiest. Wrong.
He can't be left out and his personality keeps us laughing and on guard!

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