Monday, January 25, 2016

For My Cardinals

To Larry Fitzgerald and the Arizona Cardinals,

I don't do this. I am actually regretting writing this letter.  But I feel I have something to say.  I am sure you will never actually read this letter or know who I am.  This world is filled with negativity. As soon as a celebrity makes bad choices once or a thousand times we are ready to talk about it, to tell them what they are doing wrong.  Today, I choose to do the opposite, to focus on the good in this world.  Some of that good being the Arizona Cardinals.

But first I have something to say to Larry.  As I watched the Green Bay, Arizona game with my four sons something incredible happened. They witnessed something we don't see everyday. We see it in the movies but rarely right in front of our eyes.  You have taught my sons the character traits of a real man.  To play with HEART, now don't get me wrong, many players on the field that night played with heart. But yours, yours was different. I  talk to my boys daily about living their life with passion. I tell them to put everything they have into everything they do. They got to see it and their eyes lit up. I have never seen that awe in them. How amazed, how moved they were. It brought tears to this mother's eyes. I wish in our world they saw more of it.

Raising men in this world, men of character, is difficult. I do not push for them to idolize athletes or celebrities because they are so often led astray and disappointed. You Mr. Fitzgerald have given me hope. You are a man of character, on and off the field. Your LOYALTY to the Arizona Cardinals is rare. Your RESPECT for others is definitive. Your HUMILITY is inspiring.  I know you are human and make mistakes like there rest of us.  But I wanted to say thank you for helping restore my faith and that it is not all about everything our society makes it out to be. Thank you for being an example to the future men of the NFL and this world. We need more like  you.  From one Mother, your Mother  would be proud.

To our team, my heart was hurting as I watched our team fall apart against the Panthers.  But my heart hurt more for our team and the dedication that was put into your season.  Do not let one game define your season this one or future ones.  My boys were a true testament to what a team of dignity looks like.  I had to have multiple conversations of humility and character throughout the game. I am  not here to point fingers or focus on the bad behavior of those involved. It is not worth our breath, as I tell my boys, you are responsible for you. Not what they do.  Let love and light shine through you and  your actions.  After the game was over I was expecting my boys to feel my heartache and have to talk about loss with them but the conversation never happened.  Their eyes had fire in them.  They ran to me to tell me how they so badly have to have a Fitzgerald, no Palmer, no Floyd, no Johnson jersey.  They were so proud of this team that they could not contain their excitement.  They ran to the TV and played Madden as the Arizona Cardinals.  Be Red See Red. Always. Forever.


Heidi Stout

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

New Year, New Beginnings

Another year. If only time would freeze or at least slow down.
I have such high hopes for 2016. Hope. My word of the year. 

Started off the year celebrating with my boys and my parents. We played games and watched the ball drop. A simple, wonderful night.
Chris and I talked and the goals and dreams for this year are in the works. So stay tuned.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Summer, Part One..

Time to catch...well at least before the New Year hits. Right? Honestly, I miss documenting our life. I remember when I had one kid  and I had pictures coming out of my ears. I don't want to miss a moment of these precious years that go by way too fast.

So here in a nutshell is our trip to Arizona.

Mom and Dad were caffeinated and ready to go. Driving through the night with a packed car and four sleeping boys.

I had my sleep and it was my turn to drive.

Our first stop was the Grand Canyon. Can you believe I lived in Arizona my whole life and never went?? I truly missed out. We can't wait to go again. The beauty is indescribable. The boys were ecstatic to actually be walking in the clouds.

As we made our last stop the storm rolled in. We ducked under trees and Chris and I each two kids to protect them from the pounding hail. We were all soaked and on a side note flip flops and hail is not a good combination.

We arrived in Tucson at Chris' parents house and my first stop had to be to see his freshly painted race car. I can't wait to see it rolling down the track.

Papa made dreams come true with his new BB gun. It was truly a boys playground!

We visited with family and friends and enjoyed every moment!

Peyton missed a little of the fun but had fun of his own at camp. He got to spend four wonderful days in Prescott with our old church CCV, Christ Church of the Valley, camp. A special time and he made me proud as he listened and learned during that time and accepted Christ into his life. 

We stopped and visited my Grandfather and Grandmother's grave. Something I have not done since she passed. 

Of course we had to squeeze in a date night.  A trip to Arizona wouldn't be complete without a stop at Oregano's and me filling up on Pizookie.

Our last few days consisted of family pictures with Chris' family. Visiting with my family. Seeing the release of Jurassic World, bowling, laser tag, and lots of good food.

Our way home we had to stop at our first home as a family. We miss that house and we miss the beautiful town of Flagstaff. It always feel like home driving through my university. We wrapped our last night of vacation with a night of camping near Zion National Park. And it was one of our favorite things of vacation. We roasted marshmallows and just relaxed. We did so many things and the simple one's are what makes the boys the most happy. They couldn't stop talking about sleeping under the stars and especially how we tried our hardest to think of a plan to steal that colt.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Delicious Frozen Fruit Pops!

How cute are these Popsicle molds?!? I purchased them at my local Target. Each one is a different animal. And they are super easy to clean, which for me is always a HUGE plus. Here is a simple recipe that the kids are sure to love! You could really try a wide variety of fruits with this simple recipe. Now we just wait for SUMMER!
1 cup fruit juice (I used a 100% apple juice)
6 oz. frozen fruit of your choice (I used a mixed berry)
1 Tbsp. ground flax seed
2 Tbsp. Greek yogurt
Blend. Pour in Popsicle molds and place in freezer.
Thanks to Surviving the Stores for the idea!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Delish! Homemade Yogurt Granola Bars!

I have been dreaming about these for a couple weeks. Well, an extra day off is all it took. What is great about my granola bar recipe HERE is that it really takes 10 minutes to make. Cutting and wrapping takes the longest. The other day I was wandering the grocery aisles and I passed yogurt granola bars and thought...So with my granola bar recipe I made a few changes and this is what I got.

While these won't have a long shelf life, it is a great snack for the kids. The voting committee (all four boys)voted YES! and requested seconds. 
2 cups granola (I purchased a almond & blueberry granola)
1 cup rice cereal
1 Tbsp ground flax seed
Combine 3 items in bowl, mix and set to the side
4 Tbsp butter
1/4 cup honey
1/4 cups brown sugar
Place in saucepan, stir until butter is melted. Allow to come to a boil, reduce heat to low and let boil for 2 minutes
Stir in dry items into saucepan and stir until well coated.  Add in 1 cup marshmallows and gently stir in ( you could leave the marshmallows out)
Place in 9x9 pan lined with foil (lightly sprayed) or parchment paper. Pour mixture into pan and press down firmly.
Then took a handful of white chocolate chips and pressed down into granola bars.  Then take enough yogurt, whatever flavor you like and lightly coat the top of the bars. I used an organic strawberry. Then place in freezer until yogurt has hardened. 
Once it has hardened take out cut into pieces and serve or wrap in plastic. You can really make the pieces any size you want, I do smaller rectangles not normal granola bar size. It seems to be just enough for the kids and if they want more then can get another, reducing waste.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Homemade Whole Wheat Pop Tarts

I have had Pop Tarts on my list of homemade items that I want to master for a while. My kids love Pop Tarts and often ask for them.  There are quite a few recipes out there. The one I attempted is HERE. I have a few tweaks I want to make to this recipe but it definitely is headed in the right direction and the kids loved it. To me the kids vote is most important even if it is not quite where I want it.

2 cups whole wheat flour (this could be a 1/2 whole wheat 1/2 white) 
1 Tbsp sugar
1 tsp salt
1 cup butter (1 stick)
1 egg
4 Tbsp milk

Combine your flour, sugar, and salt into a large mixing bowl and stir. Cut your butter into small pieces and mix into the dry mixture until it is crumbled up into it.  Whisk your milk and egg together and add to the other mixture.
Knead your dough until it is a nice consistency.  Roll out your dough into two large, thin squares.
Cut your dough into rectangles and place on set on parchment paper on a cookie sheet. 
Add your filling. I did learn that I need to be more generous with the filling. I used an all natural strawberry jam. You really have a lot of choices you could use.  Leave a small border around the outer edge. Then, place another rectangle and press the seams together. I took a fork and pressed them along the outer edge. You can also cut two small slits in the top of the pop tart to allow air to escape.
I also placed a cinnamon and brown sugar mixture on top instead of a frosting.

Bake at 350 degrees for 20-25 minutes

Thanks andchristina for the recipe HERE

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Fun and Healthy Valentine's Snack

How fun is this treat for Valentine's Day? This is great snack or school lunch item and it only takes a minute to make. I purchased an all natural fruit strip took my round cookie cutter and cut into circles.  I then placed my printed note center and folded the circle in half.  Then hold the top and push in the center to form a fortune cookie.

What fun treats are you making for the kids on Valentine's Day?

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