Saturday, September 28, 2013

The Easiest Hardest Workout

Excuse my horrible form! 
Finding time to workout is hard. There I said it.
I am this crazy Mom that does squats while I brush
my teeth, mainly because some days (most) it is hard
to fit in a full, devoted workout. Chris and Heidi Powell, amazing
life transformation specialist, taught me how to get in
a full workout in just 9 minutes. 9 MINUTES!! Really,
if you can't squeeze that in...well, I don't know!
You may have seen Chris and Heidi on ABC Extreme Weight Loss. Chris is also, a New York Bestselling author. I was able
to DVR them a while back on the Dr. Oz show. The revealed a very simple, four exercise workout that you can do in 9 minutes.
Let me just say I was sore for days! I could not believe how much I was out of breath in 9 minutes! Catch the video HERE on You Tube and get yourself in motion!! Happy workout!

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