Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Simple Homemade Applesauce

I didn't know that making applesauce was really so simple.
This is a great recipe for making freezer applesauce from Suburble. What a great healthy and delicious side dish to have handy for the kids (or yourself)! Apples can be pricey so watch ads for a great sale or check out Bountiful Baskets, see my previous post HERE, about buying them in bulk at a great price. Apples may not be available every week for Bountiful Baskets so watch weekly and grab them when available!
20 apples
3 cups water
1 Tbsp. sugar
1 Tsp. cinnamon
Peel, core, and quarter apples
Place into large pot with water and bring to boil
Simmer on a low-medium heat until soft and mushy
Use a potato masher to mash the apples until it is a nice, chunky consistency
Place in food processor. I used pulse on mine until it was the consistency I desired
Add in the cinnamon and sugar and then pour into jars.
I was able to fill 8 jars, the blog I got them from stated she got 16 but I do like a little thicker consistency.
Once the jars are completely cooled place lids and rings on jars and place in the freezer. Sauce is good up to one year!
Happy baking! 

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